The Immune blend is used to boost the immune system, strengthen natural defenses and improve the health of the whole immune system. Taking this blend will help you to thrive in extreme conditions, fortify your defenses and improve vitality. It will improve recovery time and reduce the effects of illness. It improves productivity, skin condition and appearance and overall health and vitality. Improves resilience to illness, infection and disease.
Here are the ingredients you will find in your Immune Taoist Tonic Tea Blend, as well as just a small selection of their many, well researched, time proven benefits:
Cats Claw
☀️Help fight both viral and fungal infections such as Herpes and Candida
☀️Contains glycosides, proanthocyanidins and beta sitosterol which help provide anti-viral and anti-inflammatory support for the body. These alkaloids also exert a beneficial effect on memory.
☀️Reduces pain and inflammation of rheumatism, arthritis and other types of inflammatory problems. Including top 2 killers in America we cannot mention here.
☀️Promotes the healing of wounds.
☀️Can be useful for treatment of gastric ulcers and intestinal complaints.
☀️Helps to relieve chronic pain.
☀️Enhance immunity by stimulating the immune system.
☀️Helps people experiencing stomach and bowel disorders, including colitis, Crohn's disease, irritable bowel syndrome, leaky bowel syndrome, gastritis and duodenal ulcers, intestinal inflammation.
☀️Powerful immune system enhancer
☀️Proven to prevent breakdown of the immune system, even in cases of chemotherapy
☀️Yin tonic for the lungs, soothing any inflammation and irritation
☀️Improves vocal quality, excellent for anyone who spends extended periods of time speaking or singing
☀️Excellent for anyone with a dry cough or dry throat
☀️Tonifies the immune system
☀️Induces the production of alpha-interferon, a potent anti viral agent created within our body
☀️Tonifies the “Protective Chi,” known as Wei Chi . This Protective Qi is a special kind of energy which circulates just under the skin and in the muscle. Its role is to act as a protective shield which keeps out any potential invading organisms, as well as extreme elemental energies like a cold wind
☀️Known as the Great Protector
☀️Can be very useful for people who just cant seem to shake a cold, as it can replace the Qi necessary to regain full strength.
☀️Rich in immunomodulating agents, helping the body ramp up immune activity when appropriate, and calm it down when appropriate.
☀️One of the worlds most powerful vitalising herbs
☀️Aids the body in digesting the other herbs
☀️High in immune-stimulating polysaccharides
☀️Powerful tonic for the respiratory, immune and digestive systems
☀️Rich in beta-D-glucan polysaccharides
☀️Immune stimulating and tumor inhibiting
☀️Lowers blood pressure
☀️The richest natural source of Beta-1,6-D-glucan and Beta-1,3-D-glucan
☀️Powerful supporter of the immune system
☀️Powerful anti-oxidant
☀️Strengthens the immune system
☀️Extremely powerful and effective life enhancing agent☀️It has enormous renown as a supersonic, and is said to build sexual and physical power, mental energy, the immune system and is universally believed in the Orient to prolong life.
☀️Highly regarded in China as a tonic for those who are recovering from an illness or an operation
☀️Incredibly effective immune system potentiator, aiding it in optimal functioning
☀️The polysaccharides it contains can play an important role in attacking cancerous cells, but not healthy ones, while simultaneously strengthening the body's overall immune functions. The polysaccharides appear to help the body attack microbial invaders such as viruses, bacteria and yeast.
☀️If the immune system is excessive, as is the case with autoimmune diseases and allergies, Reishi can have significant positive influence. A group of chemicals known as the ganoderic acids help fight auto-immune diseases such as allergies. Ganoderic acids inhibit histamine release, improve oxygen utilization and improve liver functions. Ganoderic acids are also potent antioxidant free-radical scavengers.
☀️Another important Beta-1, 3-glucan, helps regulate and stabilize blood sugar levels.
- Reducing gas and improving digestion. Share on Pinterest Consuming ginger may help improve digestion. ...
- Relieving nausea. ...
- Easing a cold or the flu. ...
- Relieving pain. ...
- Reducing inflammation. ...
- Supporting cardiovascular health. ...
- Lowering cancer risk.
- Anti viral
☀️Harmoniser, Helps all other ingredients to work together more easily
☀️Delicious flavour takes away any rough edges, of any other ingredients
*** Amazing!!! ***
This is a small overview of just a few of the most relevant benefits. Books could, and have, been written extolling the virtues of each particular herb, and the sum of all of them combined in this perfectly balanced formula is greater than the individual herbs. If you're interested I highly recommend you research and find out more, you will be fascinated and enthralled, as I am, by their amazingly diverse benefits and long history of effective use
Instant Herbal Tea Blend
These Taoist Tonic Herbs come in the form of an instant herbal tea blend, the ultimate in ease and convenience. None of the effort, all of the benefit.
How to take
Joyfully and gratefully, simply add to either cold, warm or hot water, or add to your favorite juice, smoothie or even soup! You can even eat it from the spoon should you like! Depending on the taste. I've personally done all of these!
It's also important and powerful to take intentionally and with gratitude, appreciation and thanksgiving to the plants, Mother Earth/Gaia, and the Sun, and even any and all of the humans who helped and were involved, and to all parts and elements of nature and the ecosystems that played their part in bringing this final product to you. This will enhance the vibration of the food, and your own vibration, and incur greater health benefits and benefits to us all as an energetic collective.