I would Highly suggest getting this Chinese Herbal Formula, which is not only great for bone marrow, bones, skeleton, joints and structure, but also for rebuilding "JING", our restorative, healing and recovery power, as well as our sexual health, fertility and vitality, lower back, knees, teeth and mental cognitive functions such as memory, recall and focus. It is also helpful for our senses, especially our hearing. It helps slow down the ageing process, and help you maintain health into old age. It is also good for the quality and appearance of our hair, skin, teeth and nails. Highly recommended!
It is recommended for anyone suffering from stress, anyone run down, depleted, tired, exhausted, anyone with low sex drive or fertility, anyone who is slow to heal and recover, anyone with brain bog, who can't focus and maintain a clear vision or manifest their dreams. It is recommended for anyone who has lower back or knee pain or weakness, anyone who wants to increase their bone density and strength of their skeleton structure, including their teeth, for anyone who has given birth to a child, or who has gone thru surgeries or deep traumas. This will help you recover, slow down the ageing process or deterioration, and have more energy for life.
Rejuvenate is used to restore vitality and health to the kidneys, bladder, bones, joints and tendons. It healths the nervous system and relieves nervous conditions, promotes relaxation, recovery, memory, healing. It builds jing and reserve energy.
Here is a list of the incredible ingredients you will find in your Rejuvenate Taoist Tonic Tea Blend, as well as just a small, relevant selection of their many, well researched, time proven benefits:
Key Tonic Herb for the Kidneys;
Sharpens the mind, improves lucidity, concentration, precise coordination and focus;
Improves both short and long term memory;
Increases hydration due to its astringent properties;
Prevents the leaking or wasting of Jing, our precious and irreplaceable reserve energy, probably its most crucial quality;
Increases potency in men, fertility in women;
Aids in preventing premature ejaculation, restoring sex drive, and increasing sexual endurance (worth having for this quality alone right?);
Increases sexual desire, vaginal secretions, and genital sensation in women (worth having for this quality alone right?);
Excellent to restore and maintain a youthful appearance and attitude;
Improves hearing and vision
Ho She Wu
Strengthens the tendons, ligaments and bones
By encouraging rejuvenation of bone marrow, slows down the aging process
Long term use has been known to restore hair colour in cases where its greying
Increases potency and fertility
Promotes greater endurance and stamina
Enhances the capacity to respond and adapt to stressors in the environment
Prepared Rehmannia
One of the most potent Kidney tonifying herbs in the world
Slows aging and therefore promotes longevity
Works almost immediately to build Yin Jing, recharging your batteries, allowing you to heal and recover a lot more easily.
Strengthens the Reproductive system especially, increasing fertility.
Relieves aching joints
Improves memory and vision
Helps keep hair from going grey
Increases endurance
Rebuilds reserve energy
Excellent and delicious Yin Jing tonic and longevity herb
Replaces spent "adaptive energy."
Replenish fluids
Effective in treating dryness
Helps to generate beautiful skin
Strengthens the skeleton and joints
Considered to be one of the great longevity tonics
Effective marital tonic for men and women
Regulates blood pressure
Guides the other herbs to focus on tonifying the kidneys
Also high in Silica, excellent for building bone strength and flexibility
Makes the skin more smooth and supple
Increases nail strength and quality
White Atracylodes

Harmoniser, Helps all other ingredients to work together more easily
Delicious flavour takes away any rough edges, of any other ingredients
This is a small overview of just a few of the most relevant benefits. Books could, and have, been written extolling the virtues of each particular herb, and the sum of all of them combined in this perfectly balanced formula is greater than the individual herbs. If you're interested I highly recommend you research and find out more, you will be fascinated and enthralled, as I am, by their amazingly diverse benefits and long history of effective use
Instant Herbal Tea Blend
These Taoist Tonic Herbs come in the form of an instant herbal tea blend, the ultimate in ease and convenience. None of the effort, all of the benefit.
How to take
Joyfully and gratefully, simply add to either cold, warm or hot water, or add to your favorite juice, smoothie or even soup! You can even eat it from the spoon should you like! Depending on the taste. I've personally done all of these!
It's also important and powerful to take intentionally and with gratitude, appreciation and thanksgiving to the plants, Mother Earth/Gaia, and the Sun, and even any and all of the humans who helped and were involved, and to all parts and elements of nature and the ecosystems that played their part in bringing this final product to you. This will enhance the vibration of the food, and your own vibration, and incur greater health benefits and benefits to us all as an energetic collective.
Joyfully, gratefully, and with generous dollops of appreciation and excitement!
Owen! :D