STRENGTH Herbal Formula - Testosterone Boosting, Yang Jing Invigorating, Passion!
STRENGTH Herbal Formula - Testosterone Boosting, Yang Jing Invigorating, Passion!

STRENGTH Herbal Formula - Testosterone Boosting, Yang Jing Invigorating, Passion!

Regular price $24.00 Sale

The Strength blend improves digestion and strengthens the digestive system, improves athletic performance, increases muscle mass and endurance. Increases hydration, vitality, sexual function and grounded focus.

Here is a list of the incredible ingredients you will find in your Strength Taoist Tonic Tea Blend, as well as just a small, relevant selection of their many, well researched, time proven benefits:

White Atractylodes:

BulletIncreases digestive fire, improving efficiency of digestion
BulletWill help muscle gain when combined with resistance training
BulletExcellent herb for athletes, increases endurance
BulletNormalises the appetite
BulletIncreases energy production
BulletReduces bloating and water retention


BulletIncreases energy production 
BulletTonifies the Spleen, boosting Digestion and assimilation of nutrients
BulletBuilds strong muscle tone
BulletStrengthens but does not overheat the body like Ginseng has a tendency to, making it suitable for everyone


BulletStrengthens muscles, especially of the legs and arms
BulletImproves posture
BulletBuilds respiratory strength
BulletStrengthens digestion


BulletStrengthens the back and knees
BulletStrengthens sexual function
BulletStrengthens the mind


BulletStrengthens the body at a root level
BulletBuilds courage, drive and concentration
BulletExcellent for building athletic endurance


BulletBalances the body's energies
BulletIncreases the production of the human growth hormone, which results in increased lean muscle mass.
BulletStrengthens the immune system

BulletStrengthens the bones


BulletStrengthens the skeleton and joints
BulletStrengthens ligaments and tendons

Cnidium Seed

BulletStrengthens yang and supports the kidney and spleen.
BulletStrengthens the bones
BulletImproves sexual potency 


BulletExtremely powerful and effective life enhancing agent 
BulletIt has enormous renown as a supersonic, and is said to build sexual and physical power, mental energy, the immune system and is universally believed in the Orient to prolong life.
BulletHighly regarded in China as a tonic for those who are recovering from an illness or an operation


BulletHarmoniser, Helps all other ingredients to work together more easily
BulletDelicious flavour takes away any rough edges, of any other ingredients


This is a small overview of just a few of the most relevant benefits. Books could, and have, been written extolling the virtues of each particular herb, and the sum of all of them combined in this perfectly balanced formula is greater than the individual herbs. If you're interested I highly recommend you research and find out more, you will be fascinated and enthralled, as I am, by their amazingly diverse benefits and long history of effective use


Instant Herbal Tea Blend 

These Taoist Tonic Herbs come in the form of an instant herbal tea blend, the ultimate in ease and convenience. None of the effort, all of the benefit.


How to take

Joyfully and gratefully, simply add to either cold, warm or hot water, or add to your favorite juice, smoothie or even soup! You can even eat it from the spoon should you like! Depending on the taste. I've personally done all of these!

It's also important and powerful to take intentionally and with gratitude, appreciation and thanksgiving to the plants, Mother Earth/Gaia, and the Sun, and even any and all of the humans who helped and were involved, and to all parts and elements of nature and the ecosystems that played their part in bringing this final product to you. This will enhance the vibration of the food, and your own vibration, and incur greater health benefits and benefits to us all as an energetic collective.